

Episodes: 33

Aired: November 25, 2016 - August 14, 2020

Country: Brazil

Description: "In the future where the elite inhabit an island paradise far from the crowded slums, you get one chance to join the 3% saved from squalor." - Netflix

"The rich forcing those living in squalor to undergo abusive tests, permanent medical alterations, and family abandonment to live in paradise." - Me

General Impression: Initially, I was not expecting to be so enthralled with the show. It was on my Netflix list for years, but a few weeks ago, I took the plunge and decided to watch it. Wow, wow, wow. Thank goodness I finally succumbed. I was blown away by so many different elements of this story. 

First, the show blatantly discusses classism (prejudice or preference for certain social classes). I mean, the whole show is centered around a process where all registered twenty year-olds endure multiple tests to determine if they are 'good enough' for the Offshore (the paradise island separating them from the 97%). While this is a dystopian future, it is rooted in the real world and current social dilemmas.

  • Those living on the mainland are indoctrinated to idolize the Offshore. A religion is even created, where the preacher (who failed his own process) encourages others to undergo the series of tests. The offshore is just enough out of reach to make mainlanders believe those who fail the process are undeserving individuals. No blame is ever put on the rich, but entirely on the individual (Any other Americans notice some similarities- healthcare, education, etc.)? 
  • Moving up in society is the main priority of this world. Those who pass the process have to move from the mainland to the offshore. They cannot bring anyone with them, meaning if their family members do not pass, they most likely will never see them again. Certain families are well-known for all members passing the test, so they all have children at young ages (under twenty) to ensure their family name is continued (there are no children on the offshore). It is portrayed as a privilege to leave family behind, and many children are left parentless. 
  • Those on the offshore strictly regulate the lives of those on the mainland, ensuring that a better life is only possible by passing the process. Once those on the mainland start demanding more rights and try to create their own paradise, the Offshore lashes back with a heavily-armed, well-trained security force. 

Second, the show approaches social differences in believable ways:

  • There is a diverse range of characters- race, sexuality, gender, ability, etc.- more so than most other shows. The greatest part is that these character attributes are not ever questioned. It is just a part of who they are. 
  • Family is never strictly defined. Good parents are the ones who leave their children on the mainland so they can live on the Offshore. Siblings are often left caring for younger siblings, leading to a lot of resentment later in life. Also, there are not really any healthy relationships between genetically-related characters. 
  • No one person or group is perfect. The Offshore is classists; the rebels lie to enlist members and willingly risk the lives of outsiders to further their cause; protagonists always have a selfish reason for their good deeds; and much, much more. 

Third and last, the music! I have to say, I am not one to usually notice a show's soundtrack, but I loved all of the 3%'s music. It hits your soul in a way that makes you catch your breath, and not in a bad way. If you watch the show, you'll see what I mean.

Cast/ Acting:

Great! The actors and actresses did an amazing job embodying their roles, making it that much easier to love and hate the characters. I haven't seen any of the cast in other shows, but I will definitely be on the lookout. 

Would I Rewatch:

This is hard for me. I am not one to rewatch shows, as my comfort form of media is movies (Jurassic Park series, for sure) While this show was amazing, I do not think I will rewatch it, just because it was sometimes an emotional roller-coaster. 

Overall Score: 26/30 ~ 86.7% (B+)

  • Plot: 10/10
  • Acting: 10/10
  • Rewatch Value: 6/10

Where to watch: Netflix
